Rose Milk Pudding Smoothie: A Refreshing Twist on Mahalabia

The Halal Planet - Rose Milk Pudding Smoothie: A Refreshing Twist on Mahalabia
The Halal Planet - Rose Milk Pudding Smoothie: A Refreshing Twist on Mahalabia

Desiring the cool take on the traditional Middle Eastern milk pudding, Mahalabia, with its silky, creamy texture? It's particularly well-liked in the summer, when the refreshing dessert provides a much-needed respite from the intense heat in the area. Furthermore, it tastes delicately sweet with a smooth and creamy texture.

Try this smoothie made with rose milk. It tastes great and is a healthy alternative. Both Greece and Turkey have their own variations to this milk pudding.


  • 1 cup unsweetened rose milk (or regular milk with 1-2 teaspoons rosewater)
  • 1/2 cup plain yogurt (Greek yogurt for a thicker consistency)
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1/4 cup chopped frozen dates
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom (optional)
  • 1/4 teaspoon honey (optional)

Rose milk pudding.png


  • Blend all ingredients mentioned above and process until smooth and creamy.
  • If necessary, add additional rose milk or water to get the right consistency.
  • If desired, use honey or another natural sweetener to alter the sweetness.
  • Pour into glasses and savor!


  • To achieve a naturally sweet and creamy texture, use ripe, frozen bananas.
  • To get the rose flavor, add one or two teaspoons of rosewater if using ordinary milk.
  • Use rosewater ice cubes (prepared by freezing rose milk in advance) for a stronger rose taste.
  • You can use chopped figs or apricots instead of the dates.
  • Garnish with chopped nuts, honey, or a sprinkle of rose petals.
  • Use your imagination to add your own special touches to your Rose Milk Pudding Smoothie!
No-Bake Halawet El Jibn Bites: Simple and Scrumptious
Want to enjoy the delectable flavors of Halawet El Jibn, the traditional Middle Eastern sweet cheese rolls. Here is a convenient and hassle-free recipe of these bite-sized, no-bake sweet treats!, this recipe is perfect for satisfying any sweet craving at any time.


1. What is the Arabic pudding's name?

Muhallebi, also known as mouhallabié in French, is a popular dessert in the Middle East that is typically made with rice, sugar, milk, and either rice flour, starch, or semolina. It is also known by its Persian name, محالبی, its Arabic name, مهلبية, or both.

2. What is Mahalabia made of?

Mahalabia is a Middle Eastern dessert made with milk. Usually, a mixture of milk, sugar, flour, and sugar are used to make it. Usually, one of three thickening agents is added to the mixture: rice flour, cornstarch, or wheat starch—but not all three!

3. What is the calorie count of Mahalabia?

Facts about Nutrition (per serving)

  • 326 Calories
  • 17g of fat
  • 39g Carbohydrates
  • 5g Protein
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